TLmag's "Spotlight On: Glass Artists at Collect 2020" previews Collect 2020.
For its 16th edition, Collect is taking over a large number of rooms at Somerset House. Presenting a new environment to contextualise and curate modern craft, their selection of specialist glass galleries (a total of 9 galleries and over 50 glass artists) is their best yet.
Bullseye Projects explores contemporary glass with makers, designers, and viewers of all ages, and in their programme offer anything between tours and exhibitions to residencies and museum collaborations. For their booth, they’ll be presenting work by emerging and mid-career artists who have deep ties, either as alumni or faculty, to British art and design programs, including new work by Heike Brachlow, Celia Dowson, Joshua Kerley, Joanna Manousis, Anne Petters, and Karlyn Sutherland. *Additionally, there will be a conversation moderated by Bullseye Projects curator Michael Endo in which artists/designers Zeinab Harding and Karlyn Sutherland will discuss the approaches they employ in translating artwork into functional design objects and the experience of collaborating with Bullseye Glass Co. to design and fabricate the piecescreated specifically for Collect 2020.*
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